We ordered so many rare unpopened packages of tines on Ebay that was extremely expensive - just to get the "real" deal.Įverything was adjusted and restored for that perfect sound. So I contacted my old friend (and a true lover of this instrument) Dan Stangerup and together with Anne we restored a new one. The talented artists at Voger Design did these amazing 3D renderingsĪfter restoring two instruments completely (my wife Anne was the boss on the "looks") - with one of them with tolex, new metal, logos and I decided that the sounds i could get was not good enough. To be inspired.to do our very best with the sound. INSPIRING 3D ARTWORK We imagined how it would look in real life.
You can read more detailed about this in our manual - that can be downloaded too. It too made a real difference in the playing experience! The solution was to simply delay the note-off sent from the MIDI-keyboard or sequencer so that it would change in same time as the original instrument. On the MIDI keyboard the release sound started a little to fast compared the the real instrument and repeated notes sounded too staccato like. we also changed the way the sustain notes affect each other when playing the same key repeatedly. It wasn't enough to add pedal FXs of all kinds. We created a new way to control the "box" resonance so it would completely mimic reality. We simply scanned all sustains from start to end and Nils Liberg and me (Thomas Hansen Skarbye) designed a system so that release the samples will always have the correct sound and energy- no matter the dynamics or the time sustain is held. With our new electric keyboard library we also introduce several new systems that improve the playability and add further realism to virtual instrument keyboards. THE PURE JOY OF PLAYING To make sure you guys will get the best out of SCARBEE CLASSIC EP-88s we made a smart Key Action Calibration utility that will reveal if you actually trigger all velocity zones with your current keyboard. As a tribute to George Duke we created a 3 zone split EQ and a stereo knob so you can carry on what this great man started.
You can even select different routings and have some FX come before or after amp. We made it easy for you: There are 45 different snapshot presets ready for you - and if you want to make your own sounds? Get started with the 117 FX presets.
This product runs in the free KONTAKT 5 PLAYER and in KONTAKT 5 VIDEOS & SOUNDSĮvery musician tries to find his sound - and producers love to be able to get exactly what they are looking for. Try to select a Snapshot like 'Bahian Love Affair' – and turn the Instrument Noise totally down on the Settings page – and listen to the difference. The reason for this was the fact that we wanted to be able to offer presets with extreme treble EQ settings without having extra noise – and without hurting any part of the recordings. We spend an enormous amount of time cleaning the samples for noise – each sample went through four stages, where the last two were done by hand. There are harder strikes (compared to Scarbee Mark 1) - as well as softer ones. We wanted to have the best possible sustain on each key, perfect balance of tone and as much bark too. Scarbee Classic EP-88s has more samples, greater dynamics and more keys – 88 of them! (compared to Scarbee Mark 1) Anyone who has tried to restore an instrument like this knows that the lowest and highest octaves take as much time as the rest of the keys put together – It's a true battle where you need a lot of patience, lots of spare parts and some luck too. 88 keys, 30 velocities and 8294 samples.